Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Tuesday was a busy day... for the contractors. While the deck guys began laying tile, the plumber spent a second day on his projects and finished them up in the afternoon. We now have a water spigot outside on the southern wall, close to the driveway. The old hose that's been stretched around the north side can now go away.

New tile!

One of the three big radiators in the loft has been moved down to our entry room. The heating contractor who installed the loft radiators back in 2010 insisted that we needed three (very expensive) radiators up there, but it always got too warm. The radiator we moved had been turned off and unused for years and we keep the other two turned down to half-power. And the loft is plenty warm that way. So now the redundant radiator is installed downstairs, and the pipes that fed and drained it are capped off (they can be reconnected if someone wants to add a third radiator in the future). The old cast iron radiator that was in the entry is now gone, to the recycle center, I assume.

The little radiator in the WC on the main floor has now been replaced with a towel warmer. It still heats the tiny room, but it will also serve as a supplemental clothes dryer and, of course, a towel dryer for potential guests. The WC is between the guest room and the bathroom. By the way, why is "guest room" two words while "bathroom" is one?

Today the tile laying will continue. It's going slower than I remember from the first and second times. I'm choosing to believe that's because the current tile contractor is making certain that the slope is correct so that water runs off the deck instead of toward the house. Notice the level on the tile in the photo. Dare we hope the job will be done by the weekend? We're already making plans for the start of grilling season. Ya-hoo!


  1. The plumbing work sounds excellent.

  2. I wasn't finished! Very practical and aesthetic improvements from the sounds of it. Hope the extra time on the deck translates to a better job than last time. It sure looks good.

  3. My Dad always wanted things level and straight! In my first house my former husband and I made a path around the side of the house. When my parents came to visit - the first thing on my Dad's list was to get out some stakes and string and straighten out that haphazard path R and I had created! Your tiler is a professional - he knows what it takes to keep that water sloping away from your salon. I'd hire him if I lived nearby. Get that BBQ ready...

  4. A very successful day!

  5. "why is "guest room" two words while "bathroom" is one?...." English is full of irregularities and exceptions?


Tell me what you think!