Tuesday, September 12, 2023


The wood guy arrived right on time yesterday afternoon. He backed into the driveway and dumped a truckload of cut firewood where we wanted it, not far from where it will be stacked. Each log is cut to 33cm (just over a foot) to fit in our wood stove. We ordered five stères (a stère is one cubic meter) which amounts to just under a cord and a half (if I did the conversions correctly).

Looking down on the pile of firewood from the deck.

I covered the pile with a tarp because we were expecting rain over night. This morning at 06h00 it started raining. After the rain stops we can think about stacking the wood. Showers are expected for later today and through Wednesday, so we might not get started until Thursday. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Glad you had the tarp on the ready! Glad you aren't cutting the wood down to size anymore.

  2. mitch, yup.

    evelyn, me too. I don't know how I managed that each for a while. No more!


Tell me what you think!