Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Our personal harvest

We have about eight table grape vines growing in our back yard. There were about a dozen when we moved in (twenty years ago), but several of them died over the years. We never get many grapes from them, partly because the vines are planted in the shadows of some tall trees and never really get enough sun. But this year, wow! It's the most grapes we've had. Ever. They are a mixture of varieties according to the woman who sold us the house, but I don't remember which. There might be chasselas in there somewhere.

The grapes from our vines, the most we've ever seen. And they do taste good.

The other problem with the grapes, besides their low yield, is that they have seeds. That makes using them a pain. So we just snack on them, trying to remember to spit out the pits before crunching down on them. I've seen many French people eat them, pits and all.

I'm planning to rip out the vines this fall. They're old and showing their age. Mowing around them is a real pain, and since they rarely give us fruit, I don't see any reason to keep them.


  1. I guess I take after the French. I don't like wasting my time picking out the seeds from grapes. I'm sure my mother was right and I have grape vines growing in my stomach — right next to the watermelons.

  2. Ohhhh, noooo, no seeds for me. It’s fun to see these, though :)

  3. The picture will be a nice memory when the vines are gone.

  4. mitch, add some pineapple and bananas and you could cough up a fruit salad!

    judy, they've now gone to the compost pile.

    evelyn, yup!


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