Tuesday, September 05, 2023

You sunk my battleship!

In this shot (pun intended), they look like gun barrels, but they're really just organ pipes. They're part of the amazing pipe organ in the church at Cunault.

Sun's out, guns out! Cunault, July 2006.

It's hot, as predicted, and dry. At least the mornings are cool. I took advantage yesterday to move two piles of kindling out from under the tall cedar tree. I also sent an email to the landscape guy asking if we could schedule the tree's removal. The whole upper half is dead. I haven't heard anything yet; it usually takes a few days for him to respond.


  1. I would never have guessed those pipes were part of an organ. That must be a fascinating sight.

  2. Those are known as "trompette-en-chamade" and are common in both French and Spanish organs and in many contemporary organs. They can be VERY LOUD and often misused by organists!

  3. It is always a great pleasure to see photos of the church at Cunault. The first time I was there was in the early 1960s and I was impresse !

  4. I would definitely like to see this church and organ.

  5. mitch, tune in today...

    judy, ha!

    anon, there's an off-color joke in there somewhere...

    chm, there's more to come!

    bettyann, it's not far from Saumur.


Tell me what you think!