Saturday, September 16, 2023

Harvest time

The 2023 grape harvest continues all around us, whether it's teams of workers manually picking grapes or giant harvesting machines each with a single operator. Yesterday, a mechanical harvester worked the vineyard parcel just outside our back gate. When it was done, the driver emptied the machine's bins into a waiting truck for transport to the winery. Then the harvester moved on to another parcel.

Soon the first partially fermented juice will be available. It's called "bernache" in our region.

Also yesterday, I made some good progress stacking firewood. Now I'm in a race with the weather. Rain is predicted for Sunday. I don't think I'll be done before then, but it doesn't matter. I'll just cover the unstacked logs with a tarp and wait for a dry day to finish up.


  1. What a great shot. It's an interesting time of year in your neighborhood. Congrats on the firewood progress.

  2. Great work on the firewood :)
    I love all of the different green textures in your yard, and beyond.

  3. The work is going on so close to your property. Glad your wood stack is almost complete.

  4. mitch, the vineyards are a hive of activity, that's for sure.

    judy, :)

    evelyn, the grapes are right outside the back gate.


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