Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Tout s'explique

So this is how you get in and out of the moat that surrounds the Carrouges castle.

A nice little moat boat ramp. Château de Carrouges, June 2006.

We're enjoying what North Americans would call Indian summer. The afternoons are warm. Shorts and tee shirts weather. Nice. The French might call it une belle arrière saison. When it's warm between  October and the start of winter, they call it l'été de la Saint-Martin.


  1. Great shot. So the princess didn't actually swim the moat afterall.

  2. It was 89° F here yesterday, 60s this morning, and thunderstorms continuing all day. Sounds like Indian summer here, too. But, no moat!

  3. We were up to 90 yesterday, but today it's only 86. Halloween decorations are being put out with skeletons leading the way.

  4. mitch, she may have boated across...

    judy, sure does sound that way. Enjoy it while you can!

    evelyn, "only" 86. LOL


Tell me what you think!