Friday, September 29, 2023

You may approach the bench

I don't know if it's still like this, but when we visited the grounds of the Château de Carrouges in 2006, the benches and planter boxes in the garden were painted this striking color. I don't know what to call it. It kind of makes me think of teal, but that doesn't seem quite right. Teal is not as bright as this.

Even the moat boat was this color. What would you call it? Carrouges, June 2006.

I got some work done in the yard yesterday. The daisy patch needs to be cut down each year. I didn't do it last year, so it was a mess. Thorny brambles, honeysuckle, and even tree saplings were coming up through the dead flower stalks. So I got the hedge trimmer out and cut it all down to as close to ground level as I could. It was a chore, but it's done. And it looks so much better. Today my plan is to dispose of the four or five piles of what I cut out of the patch. And maybe take some pictures for posterity.


  1. That looks turquoise-like to me. An “interesting” color choice there. I enjoy your posterity pictures.

  2. Moi aussi, I would say it's creamy turquoise.
    Congrats on the chores accomplishments :)

  3. Not quite teal, not quite aqua and not quite turquoise.

  4. Are you requesting a side-bar? I just finished another detective novel and the attorneys had to approach the bench! Sometimes they had a side-bar! As for the color... drum roll...I think the person-in-charge had a poor color memory of the "designated color" for all the chairs and tables in Paris or, perhaps, within France, that color is off-limits except in Paris. I would agree with everyone else - turquoise even Judith's creamy turquoise (love this, I have never seen that before but I will remember it).

  5. mitch, THAT's the color I was trying to think of, but it never came to me.

    judy, gotta make hay while the sun shines!

    andrew, sounds like your trip to NYC and riding on the Not Quite Right (NQR) subway lines.

    mary, "creamy turquoise" reminds me of "burnt sienna." ;)

  6. I like it whatever it's called.


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