Saturday, July 08, 2023

A wider angle

Here is a wider view of the staircase from yesterday's post. It's a spiral, external to the building, but inside the northeast courtyard. It serves, if I remember correctly, the logis or royal wing where the king's apartments are.

A stairway in the logis royale at Chambord, July 2013.
Again, the people on the lower walkway provide some scale.

We had a humdinger of a thunderstorm last night, between about midnight and 01h30. The strong winds and lightning flashes woke me up. I made the rounds inside the house, battening down the hatches, as it were. We weren't really expecting a storm. One of the weather sites I look at has a five hour loop of the lightning strikes in France, so I checked it out this morning. It looked like the storm split around us mostly on the west, but also on the east. I counted six to eight "Mississippis" between lightning flashes and thunderclaps, indicating that the lighting was a little less than two miles a way (five seconds equal about a mile). It sounded like it was all around us, but not on top of us. The storm eventually moved on to our north and I fell back to sleep. Ken slept through most of it, Tasha took refuge on the bed a couple of times.


  1. You are the watchman. My daughter once woke up to find a large oak branch that torpedoed into her kitchen- the roof was no problem for that heavy branch.

  2. I’m working my way backwards. This is stunning.

  3. My goodness! Glad all is safe and dry in the house.

  4. oh to have a thunderstorm - humdingers are welcome

  5. evelyn, one of my worst fears. That, and big hail.

    mitch, :)

    judy, so far, so good!

    michael, I like the distant ones with low, rumbling thunder. Up close, they scare me, especially in the dark of night.


Tell me what you think!