Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Up on the roof

One of the cool things about the Château de Chambord is that visitors can go out onto the rooftop terraces and take in the views of the property in all directions. This view is looking south. The squared-off trees are the same ones I posted a couple of days ago.

Looking south from the roof of the Château de Chambord, July 2013.

I had a lousy night last night, tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, except for a couple of hours between midnight and two. Part of the problem was a mosquito. We did battle for hours. This morning, I turned the bedside lamp on to see if I could find (and kill) it after I took Tasha downstairs for her breakfast. When I got back up to bed, there it was, sitting on the sheets, all but laughing at me. I lunged and missed. I gave up and went back downstairs.


  1. Oh, those mosquito nights can be torture. We have a RAID-plug that we use in the bedroom and it works wonders.

  2. That was meant to be a RAID plug-in.

  3. I second Mitchell's recommendation for the RAID or CATCH plug-ins that diffuse mosquito repellent. The repellent/insecticide does not bother us or our dog, but seems to be effective in keeping the mosquitos away from our bed area, even if the window opposite is open. The instructions seem to warn not to use it in rooms where you have fish or other aquatic animals, but it seems safe enough for large mammals!

  4. We battle mosquitos all summer long, mostly outside though.

  5. Beautiful view. I’ve probably taken a hundred pictures of the chateau’s chimneys. I hope you sleep much better tonight.

  6. Oh the misery. Nasty things. I hope you sleep better this evening.

  7. mitch, yes! I forgot that I have some of those.

    kiwi, no fish to worry about here! I do have those plug ins and will use them now.

    anon, we don't have very many, but it only takes one to drive me crazy at night.

    bettyann, I did, thanks!

    judy, you can say that again! LOL

    michael, thanks. Do you have many in the desert?

    mary, nope. Screens are unusual in France.


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