Monday, July 17, 2023


The zucchini plants are producing, so we're trying to keep up. Ken gave four to one of our neighbors yesterday. And we used a few in that Provençal classic, ratatouille. The eggplant and tomatoes came from the Saturday market in Saint-Aignan.

Ingredients assembled.

The first thing we did was to slice the eggplant and zucchini into thick rounds. I painted them with olive oil before I put them on the grill for a little color. We sliced up a couple of onions and garlic cloves and sweated them over low heat in a big pot. We added bay leaves, red pepper flakes, thyme, oregano, and salt & pepper to the mix.

Eggplant rounds, grilled.

We sliced the tomatoes and added them to the pot along with the zukes and eggplant. That all got cooked, covered, for about forty minutes. I stirred it all around every five minutes or so.

Zucchini rounds, grilled, and tomatoes.

I grilled a couple of smoked sausages while the ratatouille simmered and then we served it. If I do say so myself, it was most delicious. And, of course, there are leftovers. I filled three containers and into the freezer they went. 

Everything into the pot!


  1. Google still isn't allowing anything but Nonnie Mouse!!
    Tim here, like the idea of griddling the aubergine and courgette slices first....
    Looks so appetising!

  2. Yum! I'll bet grilling the eggplant and zukes really adds a lot of flavor. Intense color in this fresh produce!

  3. Delicious looking. Beautiful colors.

  4. Thanks for sharing photos, Walt -- it looks so fresh and tasty!

  5. Looks like summer!

  6. We used to grill eggplant and then douse with BBQ sauce and eat it is just like that. Your dish and the leftovers are welcome here anytime! Miam, miam.

  7. Yum !!!
    We are making lots of ratatouille here also, although a slightly different recipe. We don't have that many tomatoes ready yet so have been using tinned cherry tomatoes. The courgette plants have done really well this year.

  8. tim, yes, grilling them gives them a nice flavor.

    kiwi, if you don't mind the extra step. But it can be done ahead of time.

    mitch, and it was delicious!

    judy, :)

    bettyann, very summery! And it freezes well, so you can have a taste of summer in December!

    mary, I like eggplant. I like bbq sauce. Hmmmm...

    jean, I've not seen cherry tomatoes in cans (tins). Are they an English thing or do you get them here?


Tell me what you think!