Sunday, July 09, 2023

Still on the roof

I should start moving back down through the building. Soon. This is just another roof combo, featuring, in the background on the right, one of the conical slate-covered roofs that protect the castle's round towers. I think there are six in all.

Can you spot the pigeon? Chambord, July 2013.

Last night was a hot one, around 31º (close to 90ºF) on the deck in the late afternoon. Fortunately, the humidity is not high and we didn't have any storms over night. This morning, however, the humidity is up and there are storms heading toward us from the southwest (Bordeaux). We'll see what happens.

I got out early with Tasha, around 06h30, for a nice walk in the cool morning air. I could hear thunder to our west (Tours), but that storm shouldn't threaten us. I also took some more photos of the vegetable garden. For posterity. And maybe to post here. So far, none of the tomatoes resemble celebrities.


  1. I have no idea what the weather is doing. But I do see sunshine.

  2. We had those thunderstorms and heavy rain around midnight. Hope it hasn't flattened the barley too much. We started this year's harvest on Friday. So far, very good yield! More rain forecast today though 🙄☔️ Pats.

  3. Yup, spotted the pigeon. I hope it cools down for you.

  4. No pigeon - yet! I'll give it another try!

  5. Any tomato is better than none, yes?

  6. mitch, sometimes it's better not to know.

    pats, best of luck!

    bettyann, it's starting to.

    mary, good job!

    judy, kind of plain and simple, eh? ;)

    michael, yes!


Tell me what you think!