Thursday, July 06, 2023

La lanterne

High atop Chambord's central structure is a lanterne (lantern) that allows light to penetrate into the main stairwell (more about that later). Visitors are limited to the terraces at the base of the lanterne, but stairs do continue up, providing access to the windows above.

The central lantern among the chimneys at Chambord, July 2013.
The people at the bottom provide some scale.

We woke up to a chilly 12.5º this morning, colder than yesterday morning. The weather people are telling us that high pressure is building in that will pump hot air from North Africa and Spain into France. Today. Temperatures are expected at around 30ºC (about 86ºF), depending on where you are. And warmer still into the weekend. Looks like summer's back.


  1. Those temp fluxes can be awful. We’re having steady heat and humidity right now. Thank goddess for the sea… and the AC. The lantern and chimneys are works of art. Thanks for the people for scale!

  2. All this is so intricate and monumental. Thank you for the scale.

  3. Wow, that’s chilly! Fig update: a lot of mine fell off whilst still hard but I have 2 or 3 now that are almost ripe. Looking online, my tree, which is in a pot, might be suffering from too little or too much water, and too much or too little fertilizer! I’m inclined to just leave it be, and not to offer any future advice! Good luck with your figs. :-)

  4. What a place. It was such a treat to visit it with Ken and Betsy and Doug :)

  5. Thanks for telling us about the lantern, a useful idea. Your Chambord photos could be in a coffee table book.

  6. 12.5C sounds quite lovely !


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