Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Double helix

The central stair in the Château de Chambord is well known for two things. First, it's two staircases in one. Each stair spirals up toward the roof independently, never meeting. People on one stair can walk up and never see the people on the other stair. Second, it's said that Leonard de Vinci had a hand in its design, although there's no concrete evidence of that.

A monumental stair. Chambord, July 2013.

We're going to get a touch of the heat wave that's affecting southern Europe today. The high is predicted to go over 30ºC (86ºF). The humidity will be low, so it won't be so bad.


  1. Beautiful staircase! You asked me the other day about the humidity here in Florida. It’s 55% right now, not too bad.

  2. I love the double helix staircase!

  3. No concrete evidence? LOL

  4. bettyann, thanks. 55% sounds more or less comfortable.

    judy, it's pretty cool!

    evelyn, I wondered if anyone would comment on that. ;)


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