Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Chim chim cher-ee

You get to see Chambord's ornate chimneys up close from the castle's rooftop terraces. I read in Wikipedia that the château has 282 fireplaces. Not surprising, given the size of the place. All that smoke had to go somewhere.

Chimneys at Chambord, July 2013.

I slept much better last night than the night before. And I woke up with a few more mosquito bites than I had before bedtime. Reader Mitchell mentioned anti-mosquito plug-ins in a comment yesterday. That reminded me that I have a couple of those, so I dug them out and plugged one in. After a while, my sleepy self wondered if I had it right side up or upside down. I couldn't figure it out in the dark, so I unplugged it. In the light of morning I figured it out. I had it upside down.


  1. That photo is stunning. But curse you, Red Barron! I can't get chim chim cher-ee out of my head.

    1. Ha! It's such fun having you and Walt spouting these things from our shared childhood era.

  2. Love the chimneys at Chambord!

  3. Wow! That’s a beautiful photo. All those marvelous details!

  4. Thanks for the up close and personal shot of the chimneys! Maybe the architect (s) had a game going..."hey, I figured out how to add several on each chimney! Can you match that?"

  5. mitch, just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

    judy, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

    bettyann, :)

    chm, the roof has been restored/cleaned since this photo was taken. I haven't seen it in person, yet.

    mary, you never know!

  6. maybe time for netting? Or a family of bats?


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