Saturday, July 29, 2023

Another view

A different angle from yesterday's photo. Those birch trunks are between six and eight feet long. They need to be cut to 33cm lengths to fit into the wood stove. I know, I just mixed my measurement units. I could convert, but I'm too lazy. Anyway, there are a few more trunks like these in what's left of the big pile. So there's work to be done.

The smaller pile on the right is some of the (now dried out) brambles that I cut out of the big pile. There's another pile like it on the other side of the tree. Isn't this fascinating?

Today is market day in Saint-Aignan (as is most every Saturday). I'm going in to get some chard for a recipe that I saw in the NYT food section: Braised white beans with greens. We also need some bread, but not much else.

The gum and bone healing seems to be going well. I'm taking a vitamin D supplement (for strong teeth and bones!) for a few more weeks, but by next weekend I should be off the acetaminophen and done with the gentle-brushing-with-special-toothpaste routine. The stitches should be gone by then, too. The special mouthwash regimen ends tomorrow.


  1. So glad the mouth healing is going well. I haven't been to our Saturday market in ages. Yours is I'm sure a lot more charming. Ours is at the fairgrounds parking lot.

  2. I do love your French markets. In many smaller English towns the tradition is dying out. But country farm shops are more in abundance. Well done on the wood chopping btw! Pats.

  3. I like seeing the thicket behind the tree- what a nice place for wildlife! I hope the rain comes to you.

  4. Best mouthwash is Southern Comfort. Kills everything

  5. I hope your beans and greens turned out yummy.
    Doug made a really tasty lentil soup while I was visiting, and I'm going to try to recreate it, maybe today.

  6. mitch, ours is in a small parking lot since covid. They moved it out of the more cramped square where it was held pre-pandemic.

    pats, the supermarkets probably take a lot of customers, but we have several good outdoor markets around us. I hope they survive.

    evelyn, we did have a good amount of rain over the past two days.

    michael, it almost killed me once!

    judy, I love lentils!


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