Monday, July 31, 2023


The zucchini is piling up. I grated and bagged two of the larger ones for the freezer yesterday. Grated squash comes in handy later in the fall for all sorts of things like soups, fritters, and zucchini bread. I'll probably end up putting more in the freezer. We already have blanched zuke disks frozen, but they take up a lot of space and the freezer is filling up.

Zucchini blossoms and fruit in the garden.

It looks like we might have a few warm and sunny days as the week gets going. All kinds of household chores are lined up. I have to make an effort to get them done. It's all about overcoming inertia. Once I get started, the chores go pretty fast. Since we had some rain, the grass will be growing again, which means it will need cutting again. On today's agenda: dealing with recycling and cleaning the bathroom. One (or two) things a day.


  1. We had several days respite from the worst heat, but it appears to be returning for the week. Back to closed doors and windows, and turned on AC.

  2. A zucchini plant will just keep on giving. My dad never grew one that I know about- he would have liked to eat them with his yummy tomatoes.

  3. Good approach... get started, and allow yourself to do one or two things a day... you always get plenty done, Walt!

  4. mitch, we're having a cold spell. Most of July was cooler than normal, and August is looking pretty much the same.

    evelyn, I like them grilled. Yum!

    judy, it can seem overwhelming, but breaking things down to one-a-day chores helps.


Tell me what you think!