Saturday, July 01, 2023

Experiment over

The Meadow Project has concluded. I mowed it all down. It was looking rather messy with poplars and birches shooting upward, along with some nasty thorny things. I had to cut those out manually before mowing. The lawnmower worked perfectly, after the clogged carburetor problem was solved. Now there's a big section of brown "lawn" where the "meadow" used to be.  I'm hopeful that rain will help restore its green color. The drought is not helping. I collected the cut grass and weeds and used them in the vegetable garden as mulch (the mower is a mulcher).

The wild meadow in the north forty is no more. Some rain now would be nice.

The lawn in general is not very green in these warm, dry summers. It usually comes back in winter when natural rain provides its water. I don't water the grass otherwise. So we have more brown patches than green this time of year. And now we have a big one.

Speaking of rain, we got some over night. Not much, but the ground is wet. We're supposed to get more rain through the morning, but I'm not optimistic. Most of the rain predicted for this past week never materialized.


  1. Green or not, it looks great. What a job. It sounds like, given the chance, your garden would go back to forest.

  2. That looks great. You do such a nice job with keeping up with your yard and your house. I'm glad you got a little ran, at least. We had 101°F yesterday, and then a set of REALLY strong thunderstorms with pounding rain, and the temperature dropped to 69°F. Now we have 80% humidity LOL.

  3. mitch, it certainly tries.

    judy, wow! The humidity would get to me. I've been out of the hot/humid climate for a long time.


Tell me what you think!