Sunday, July 14, 2019

The summer deck

In good weather, we enjoy the additional living space we get on the deck, which is just off the living/dining area on the main floor of the house. Our house is what's commonly called un pavillon sur sous-sol (a detached house over a basement). In our case, and common around here, the basement is not below ground, but on the ground level, and the main living level is one floor above the ground.

The deck faces east. The umbrella helps to shade the table from the hot mid-day sun.
This year we have basil, chives, and parsley in addition to the flowers on the deck.

I've seen many houses like ours where the owners have completely closed in the deck with glass, adding a permanent indoor space to the house. But I enjoy being out on the deck in the summer, even if the space is not very usable in winter. Having the barbecue on the deck is more practical than it was out in the back yard. It's closer to the kitchen and I don't have to go up and down stairs to get to the grill.


  1. Oh, yes, it would be a loss if you didn't have this as outdoor space, since you usually have some periods of very nice weather to enjoy it.

  2. It's such a charming spot. You could always install a glass curtain that folds back to give you an entirely open deck when you want. Something else to spend your money on!

  3. I've enjoyed being on that deck! Your plants look very happy there.

  4. look at all the pretty plants! VIVE LA BASTILLE!

  5. The plants look beautiful. And it seems as if they are thriving so it must be the perfect spot for them.

  6. Very nice - and looks useable. Ours is not tenable until October as it's 44C out there

  7. That kind of deck, open but with some roof over, is also nice on rainy days. You can sit outside if you want to and still be out of the elements.
    The potted plants looks good. I moved my potted basil out of the direct sun, to no avail. Not my year for it, I guess.

  8. judy, I always look forward to the deck days!

    mitch, ka-ching!

    evelyn, so far, so good!

    anne marie, aux armes, citoyens !

    michael, it's a good spot, but the weather helps, too.

    michael, that's damned hot!

    emm, some years are good basil years, others aren't. I don't know why.


Tell me what you think!