Friday, July 09, 2021


In the past few years, cattails started appearing in the little pond outside our back gate. This year, the patch is bigger than it's ever been. I suppose the seeds blew in on the wind from down in the river valley and found a good place to put down roots, as it were. I had to look up what they're called in French. I didn't even know they grew here. According to Wikipedia, they're called typha, massettes, or quenouilles

Cattails in the pond out back. The rest of the pond is choked with yellow flowering "jussie" (ludwigia).

I got out with the mower yesterday and did the south 40. There were a few patches where the grass was thick and wet and the engine stalled a few times. But it's done. We're expecting another "dry" day today, so I'm planning to cut the rest (the west and north 40s) today. Meanwhile, the weeds are still growing in the vegetable garden.


  1. The cattails are a nice addition. The overgrown garden must be driving you nuts.

  2. I’m wondering if the cattails have any impact, good or bad, on the pond. Weeds are the bane of my existence too.

  3. mitch, the weather finally gave me an opportunity to get back some control. I got the grass cut!

    evelyn, they remind me of when I was a kid.

    bettyann, I wonder...


Tell me what you think!