Tuesday, August 11, 2020


I didn't even know these existed here. They're called massettes. They showed up in the pond outside our back gate a year or so ago and now they seem more or less permanent.

Cattails in the pond. The yellow flowers are an invasive plant called jussie (ludwigia).
Our heat wave continues. I had another sleepless night, partly because of the heat, partly because of an insect bite that's very itchy, and partly because of "restless legs." There was also a giant bee knocking itself against the walls around eleven. I spent about fifteen minutes trying to shoo it out an open window. It finally left on its own. I took an antihistamine around one this morning and, after about an hour, the itching calmed down. But the legs just wouldn't let me fall asleep. Ugh.


  1. I hope you don't have RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome - Syndrome des Jambes sans Repos). My brother has it and I have it. It is not very pleasant, and could disturb your sleep. If it persists, you should consult a doctor. There is some medication for that.

  2. old wives tale about calming legs by putting a bar of ivory soap under the sheet at the end of the bed

    1. Melinda, is this a publicité non payée for Ivory, or is this that any kind of soap willl do the trick? If and when I go back home, I'll try a Yardley bar of soap which is waiting for me.

    2. I like Yardley's lavender soap. When I wake up and can't go back to sleep, I use some lavender hand cream that I have for it's calming effects. I hope you will be back home asap, chm.

  3. Seeing cattails make me happy.

  4. The combination of the cattails and jussie make a lovely picture. A retired pharmacist friend swears by the soap in the bed cure for restless legs and foot cramps. She says any brand of soap works, for her at least. I hope you sleep better tonight, Walt.

  5. Ugh. What a night! I hope things improve. Haven't had restless leg syndrome since I stopped working.

  6. Here, I am troubled in summer by bites from horrid bugs called chiggers. Very itchy. I've tried everything and what works is to dab the bite with an old tea bag.
    No idea why, unless it's the tannin, but whatever works. It might help you, too.

  7. chm, I did talk to the doctor, but I didn't want to take the pills he prescribed.

    melinda, I suppose that wouldn't work with liquid soap... ;)

    evelyn, :)

    bettyann, I probably should do some internet "research!" lol

    mitch, hmmm, that cure didn't seem to work for me. ;)

    emm, another internet "research" project!


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