Friday, August 28, 2020


The daisies have done their thing. Now they're sad looking. At some point I'll cut them down to ground level and this bed will look a little neater.

The daisies are a mess as usual this time of year.

It's the last official weekend of summer vacation in France. If this were a normal year, kids would be going back to school on Tuesday. As it is, I don't know what the schools are doing. I guess I should pay more attention to the news.


  1. They are going back to school. Kids 11 and over must wear masks in and out of the classroom.

  2. Such strange times. Dead Heads aren't stoned. Kids don't know if they're coming or going.

  3. Your flowerbed is an ode to the end of summer. Where I teach we will be 100% virtual to begin the year. I am actually thankful for that.

  4. The beginning of the end of another season. How does your garden grow?

  5. ellen, thanks! I also saw that in our town's newsletter from the mairie yesterday.

    mitch, un-stoned Dead Heads? What is the world coming to?

    michael, that, the grape harvest, and my ripe pumpkins. Better virtual learning than actual sick kids and teachers.

    bettyann, the tomatoes are not good due to widespread blossom-end rot, although we are getting some. The beans are done, the peppers are undersized, and the pumpkins are ready. Oh, and the chard is still growing!


Tell me what you think!