Sunday, August 23, 2020

How d'ya like dem apples

We made some progress in the back yard on Saturday. We picked up the apples under our two trees and I cut the grass (and weeds) under them. Most of the apples went into the compost pile, some went into another pile by the garden plot. Ken smashed some of the softer ones where they lay.

We have a bumper crop of apples this year, more than in recent memory.

The fallen apples are not really good for much. They are either badly bruised or being eaten by bugs and critters. But there are still plenty of apples on the trees and I'm planning to make a batch of applesauce very soon.

Today I want to mow the south 40 and the strips outside our hedges. There's no rain in the forecast and the temperature has cooled down significantly to where it almost feels like fall. And the sleeping is easy.


  1. Is there a cider press in the neighborhood? Norman cider - how wonderful.

  2. That apple clean-up must have been an enormous, back-breaking task.

  3. After picking up what must be tons of apples over the years you’ve lived there, I think I would be tempted to remove the trees. But I suppose you can look at it as exercise. ;)

    Speaking of fall, is it almost time for you to order bulbs?

  4. Wow. That's a load of apples. It must have taken quite some time to clean all of that up.

  5. travel, I don't think so, although some old timers still make their own hooch!

    mitch, it's not that bad. The biggest pain is getting over the inertia. Once I start, it goes pretty quickly.

    judy, ugh!

    bettyann, three of the trees have self-removed, so there are many fewer apples than there would be!

    michael, less than 30 minutes! And I made a good batch of applesauce for the freezer.


Tell me what you think!