Wednesday, August 02, 2023


This is what most of the grapes look like right now. Red or white, they're all green. It won't be long before they start to ripen and take on their harvest time colors. Unless the weather intervenes. It's not warm. The weather reporter on the morning news show said a day or so ago that the weather's pretty mild, for October. The predicted high, repeat: high, temperature in our area for Thursday is 17ºC. That's about 62ºF. In early August. While the rest of the northern hemisphere seems to be suffering under a heat wave, our central heating might need to come on. We're putting extra blankets on the bed. To top it all off, the wind won't stop blowing.

Let's hope these get a chance to ripen.

We're going to pretend it's summer and grill steaks for lunch today. It'll be too cold to do that tomorrow.


  1. Wow, I cannot believe how cool it is!

  2. michael, neither can we!

    evelyn, :)

  3. I hope the weather doesn’t screw up those beautiful grapes. Temps are supposed to drop here on the beach for several days from high 30s to high 20s. What a relief.


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