Friday, August 11, 2023

The north forty

In all its glory. The mowing cycle is complete one more time. I was also able to get some yard debris disposed of, too. Clippings and brambles and sticks collected in little piles here and there are now gone. I took this photo before I finished that.

Nothing much happens in this part of the yard, but it still needs to be mowed.

It was, as forecast, a hot day on Thursday, but not uncomfortable. It'll be a little less hot today. Other than watering the vegetable garden, I'm not sure what's on the day's agenda.


  1. It looks great. I can appreciate how large the garden is since you've had so much cleaned out.

  2. My sister's yard in suburban Boston is about a half an acre, and they call the bottom part the lower 40!

  3. Looks great!

  4. mitch, there's always some cleaning up/out to do, as you know.

    michael, ha! Ours is about half an acre, too.

    evelyn, thanks!


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